
Funny story about google


I went to sign up for google adsense... to try and place some advertisment on the site. Anyway, they reviewed biblerama.com and said that they refsued to extend me an offer to join the program because this site contains sensitive information / content. LOL!

It's just funny that google.com would say no over what this site is all about. Oh well, I guess it goes to show you that not everyone is in tune to what is going on. And sometime if they are, they may be to afraid to admit it!

Peace be with everyone! I hope and pray YHWH God will guide us and bless us all, through his son Yeshua Christ!



A new blog started

Well I have decided to start a new blog. This new blog is called: Becoming a Woodsman

This new blog is all about me, and my new quest... to become a true woodsman! I hope to take this blog and use it for a central place of storage for my adventures and what I learn. The end result will hopefully be something I can publish and give to my Children!

I have for some reason, been feeling the call... the call to learn about nature, and everything in it!

I just hope and pray that I can learn about YHWH God's creatation, and use what I learn for good. I also hope and pray that my children take a liking to this stuff so much that their entire lifes are all about it. It may be wrong of me to pray for such a thing, but I believe one can really be one's closets to YHWH God through exploring nature!

I will still post here, but I have to say, I am not for sure how much. This blog has over two years of data on it, and I am starting on my third year posting here. Hopefully I can still post about 4-10 times a month here.



Further proof of the evil empire at hand

Here we go again... I am sure there will be plenty of people here screaming at me, of how great this Gov. is... but I have to do my job of alerting as many people as possible:


The above link will take you to a news article on how RFID chips are going to be used to track imigrants. I am sorry, did you not hear me? I said they will be IMPLAMNTED WITH CHIPS!

I know it seems this is all I post about, but I feel I need to in order to make sure everyone that can, will know about the dangers ahead, and hopefully will make the right choice we given to them. I truly pray for us all, and hope that YHWH God will continue to have mercy and patience with us. We are ignorant, but we also seek to be with him after our lifes end. I mean, I don't like being a doomsdayer because I believe love is the strongest, and I believe there is a lot out there. I also believe there is a lot to live for... no matter what is going on. I just feel the need to keep other informed of what is really going on. If you notice the press does not cover this as a big story of invading our privacy... instead they shun it off, because I believe they are told too. I believe they are told to not make such a big deal out of it. That way they can slowly introduce them to as many people and cities as possible.
I also truly believe that blogs are the last line of true speech, research, and sharing of knowledge. And if they ever shut me down, you will know why... because it was all true!

May YHWH God be with us all, guiding us, helping us to be better than we where yesterday, living each day like it was our last --- because it may very well be.
