
Tomorrow starts a new Month

Well, it seems like it was a dream. This past month... having a baby, and all the wonderful moments that God blessed my family with.

It is hard to believe that the past month went like it did. You see I am kinda of stunned really, I get like this from time to time... past the point of thankful, to the point of just pure belief. It seems as only yesterday that I was graduating from High School, and now I am sitting with my 3 1/2 year old talking to me as I type while my wonderful wife feeds our baby.

They are so wonderful. Having a family is such a blessing and I pray and hope that I can be the best husband and father that I can be. I know that I have a lot to learn, and I try and learn from God's lessons that he is teaching me, and from the bible. I know in it is considered one of the best callings is to be a Father and Husband. But back to a lot to learn... I just have came to a point to were I approach life one day at a time... and I have really been trying to cut back to were I worry not at all. Just let the day handle itself and get every bit of goodness I can from it, so I can return the goodness.

It is like Jesus taught us, you should not worry, for the day has enough worry itself... we should not add to it. Now I myself do not take this as we should not plan... I mean I believe we should make plans, we just should not be all bent out of shape if our plans do not match up with Gods. It is like someone once said, save as much as you can and give as much as you can.

Anyway before I get off on wild tangets that are connected at the start and end, I believe we should take in each day one at a time and enjoy the good moments. Not to worry about what things may await us, for at that moment God will guide us to the right decision as long as we give him our earsa to hear what he is trying to tell us.

May God bless bring those close to him who have no one to hold them, and watch over those who have no one to watch over them... and as always may God bless and guide each of us so we can be the best servants to him and his will.



The little things

It is the little moments and things in life that are really worth a lot to me. The smile on my daughters face, the look in our new babys eyes. The way my wife holds my hand as we spend time together.

These moments will not last long, because new moments are born to take the old ones places. So it is with life, and there is no why? to this... it just is.
Accepting such things, for me, makes it easier to enjoy life. I recall a time when I used to always question why? "Why does it have to be this way?" I would often ask... if I would have just quited my heart and listen to God's reply I would have understood a whole lot earlier in life.

If you would, think about Elijah. He went into the mountains, to were he thought he would die. All of his friends, and bothers were killed and they were searching for him. He took it upon himself to decide to go off to the mountains to hide and die. But God was not through with him. God told him to come out because he would soon be passing by. As Elijah came out, a great fire came all around him, burning and blasting things... God said "That is not I"... then a great earth quake shoke the very ground that Elijah stood on God said "That is not I"... then a great force of wind came blasting in, nearly knocking Elijah over.. God said "That is not I"... then as Elijah stood there, speaking or thinking nothing, a genlte breeze came, followed by a wishper.

You see God came to Elijah as a whishper upon the breeze, and told him that he was not through with him. You see even though there may be a lot of chaos in the news, Wars, fires, earth quakes, etc. We still have to trust in God and quite are hearts so we can listen for the whishper.

Thank you God! Thank you for this wonderful day... I pray that you are with those who are lost and that you would bring them to you today!



biblerama is awarded the Crossmap Pick of the day for May 28th!

I am very pleased and honored that my little Christian blog has been chosen as Crossmaps Pick of the day for the 28th of May!

I do not get this award, though but accept it on behalf of the Lord. I had it right over to God, because I am nothing without God and it is God's word that the award is given too... not me or this site!

Here is what Crossmap had to say:

"Biblerama is a blog – a periodically updated web log of daily events – penned by Brandon. Blogs are characteristically places where writers jot down comments, observations, and musings from daily life. They are a reflection of the author themselves, the literary extension of the author’s own thoughts and life.

Biblerama breaks the mold of the stereotypical blog. Rather than be a website turned inward with self-inspection and glorification, the site is dedicated solely to the Lord and of chronicling Brandon’s “Journey to better understand God and myself.” The biblical insight of Brandon is deeply touching, and we are thankful that Biblerama continues to share the grace of God’s Word.

We hope that Biblerama will continue to grow and lead the establishment of a Christian culture, a culture that is centered on only our Lord God and of his Word. We pray that other blog authors may follow in Brandon’s footsteps, building the Internet as a tool for God’s grace to spread."

Here is a link to the write up: Crossmap.com Biblerama Article.

Again thanks goes to God for giving us the abilites we have to help spread his word. Thank you God!



In my weakness he is Made strong

I have been reading a lot from Pauls writtings, Corthians, etc. and one part I truly like is were Paul goes into describing is thorn.

You see Paul had 'something' that was troubling him over and over. Something that reminded him of his past. The Bible never states what exactly that was and scholars for years have debated on it. I myself don't think 'what' the thorn was really maters. What maters is the answer our Lord gave Paul.

You see Paul asked God to remove the thorn in his side three times, and God told him.. "My Grace is sufficent enough". To this means even though you may have problems that are troubling you, God is still with you facing those problems with you. And God's grace will outlast those problems, so you should take comfort in that fact. God's grace is sufficent enough.

Then God goes even further to tell Paul, that through Pauls weakness God's strenght is shown. It took me a while in my life to understand this, and I believe I have a good grasp on this.

You see it is the rough times that bring us closer to God, and when we are going through rough times, and people see us going through those times that no one knows how we will make it. God steps in and gets us through, guides us, and we learn from it.

By this not only are you the person with the problem affected in a good way, but those around you saw how you made it through. By God's grace!

Thank you God for this wonderful day, another great day to serve you and to become closer to you. I pray for this who are hopeless and do not know that you are there. May they come to you as they are... and accept that you accept them!


I am a Christian, but I still sin

Something that I have to confess is that even though I am a Christian I still sin. I let hate into my mind and heart at times, I let lust into my heart and mind at times... even though it may not be for long it still happens. I am admitting this so I can get past it.

I know we have are "vises" but the fact is we don't have to... God can take those things away from us, and make us better people. That is why I am writting about this, to admit it, and then to get past it. I figure it is the only way.

So God please help me get past and drop the hate and lust that enter into my mind and heart at times... and thank you God for another wonderful day! I pray that this day can be filled with your love and me gaining a greater understand of that love!



I became a Father

The other night I realized that I have became a father. Not because I have children, and not because a new
baby has came into my life. It happened, for the actions of my 3 1/2 year old daughter. The love that she shows me, and her reactions to my actions are what made it aware.

So thank you Emily, my wonderful daughter, for making me realize that I am finally a father... yours and Natalies!
This may sound strange, but if you would think about what I am saying. Just because you have kids does not mean you are a man or a father. It just means you have kids.

To be a father (or man, whatever lable you give it) is to show love, caring, emtions, trust, friendship, etc. etc. to your kids. And the biggest, and best part to watch them as they give it back!

I thank Emily for making me realize these things, but really she was just letting God work in her life. It is so easy for children to have God work in there lifes. It seems when you get older and 'have' to do things on your own is when you get in trouble!

To clarify here, I am not boasting that I am so great man or something. Just talking about a reviliation I had. God reaveled to me that I am Emilys and Natalies Earthly father. And it is one of the best things I have ever been giving in my life. I compare it to falling in love with my wife, the feeling on our wedding day.

Going back now, the same can be said about being a father vs. just having kids and being a husband vs. just being married.

The difference comes in at the point of giving. Meaning, YOU make the difference between being a father vs. Just having kids.

Thank you God for such a wonderful gift as my family is. I pray that everyday I can become, first a better servant to you, and then a better husband and father to them!



Biblerama gets first award!

A milestone has occured for my little blog. When I boast though I boast in the Lord becuase this site is for the better understanding of the LOrd. At any rate, here is the link: theology.me.uk

Theology.me.uk has ranked biblerama.com has 4th out of the Top Ten Bible Interpretation News Sites on the web. I am very pleased with this and it has inspired me to make sure I write more, study more, and make sure to give more!


God is great

I was reading from II Corthians today. Read through were it talks about giving generousily. Truly is wonderful to have abilites and money to give and help people. I know here in the past few months I have not had the money I had before to give like I have given before. I try to make up for that with abilities, and helping people by talking to them.

I don't know I may be wrong but I believe that it is more important to give from yourself and your abilities than money, or maybe they are both of equal value.

At any rate, Paul writes about how when you give you should give of your heart, and give what you have decided to give. Because if you give, and do it just to be giving or think you should but really don't want to give that amount then you should not give it. Reason why is because that, your feelings about it, takes away from the action and the purpose.

Give what you can, and give from the heart.


Our baby is born

Well sorry for those who read on a regualr basis, but my wife Amy and I had our baby girl Natalie Rayne George. She wieghed 6lbs 12oz, and was 19 inches long. She was born on May 14th 2004 at 9:59am, and she is so wonderful. If you would like you can view her photo gallery at: Natalie's Gallery

Anyway that's why I have been away so long... well I plan on developing a way so I can write from anywhere... hush, hush - secret!


The power of the tongue

Things go so good sometimes... and it takes me about 5 minutes of 'blah, blah, blah' to miss them all up. The tongue can be a very dangerous weapon.

You see the issue I am facing currently is that My step-daughters Grandmother (Her Fathers Mother) really loves her and wants to be more involved with her life.

I am very ok with that because it makes my little step daughter happy (And for me it is God, then family). So anyway I have been on this 'truth' thing were I speak my emotions to my wife to try and resolve issues. It may not be the best thing to do because I told her that I want Emily (my step daughter) to be happy, but I have no want for her Grandmother to be involved with my life. And Also took it as far as saying I never want Natalie (our new baby girl) to ever go over there.

Of course this makes my wife upset because she wants the girls to be treated equally (as do I) and by me feeling this way it draws a line as to were that equalness could be lost.

So enter in this entry. I know it is not really Bible related but this is a blog of my journey through life, to better understand God and myself. So I am writing in hopes to try and put to rest issues I have with her grandmother being close to us. For most people who never have had to deal with such an issue it is easy to say "well why would not want her to be close... it's so easy to love people"

If that is the case, well then think of this. This is the Mother of my Step-Duaghters Father. Meaning the man that was with my wife before I was with her. They were never married and I treat and love Emily as if she were my own daughter. She treats me and Calls me Daddy. But there is the human side of me that is not allowing me to get past the fact that I don't care to have these people any more involved in my life, or kids life than they have to be.

I do want what is best for Emily, and it makes her Happy to see here Maw-Maw. I will never try and keep her from going over there, but in my mind there is a line that seperates them from our family.

So I am asking you God, one true God that is wonderful and has always guided me... please help me with this.., please make me a better man so that I can be an example for both my children and truly put there needs and feelings first. I know that I am a stupid man that needs your guidance. I am truly dumb... ignorant in the ways that I need to be. Please dear God hear my cry and please guide me... forgive me...



Natalie Rayne George

Well my wife Amy fond out today that Natalie Rayne George, our soon to be new baby girl, will be born tomorrow. The doctor says she is ready to come and she is going to take her tomorrow morning. If anyone is reading this please pray for my family and I.

I can't thank God enough for this wonderful joy that will soon be in out lifes. It is truly wonderful. At any rate I am sure I will not be able to writ until after, though I will try to so I can post pictures of our new baby girl.

Thank you God for such a wonderfulk family! And a wonderful wife. I hope and pray that Natalie and Emily both are 1000 times greater or persons than my wife and I.



My blog

Well I am trying to write more and more in my blog. My life has been really busy so I don't get to write in it every day. It seems like that I will be able to write in it once a week. So a re-cap so far.
>Natalie Rayne George (our new baby girl) has dropped and Amy (my wife) is reall ready to have here
>Amy's Baby shower is this weekend
>Work is going great, I have completed a few projects and still am enjoying my new job.
>I have started to take my little daughter Emily to the park every afternoon. It gives us good alone time so we can bond plus helps me get a little work out

Ok well that is the wrap up so far. God is truly wonderful, I know this because I can see God working in my family and I's life. I am truly a blessed man and love to spend each day getting to know God better. For anyone who is reading this and feels lost, or hopeless I promise you that there is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. Just turn to him and ask for him to come into your life!

Thank you God for all the wonderful things that you have giving me. I love you God and I thank you for this wonderful day!



Something I never thought would happen

I never thought I would see the day, but My Dad and his Dad went out to eat last night with all of us. For those who don't know they have not talked for years, and this is been something that I have prayed about for a long time.

Anyway God was working through the whole thing and we had a wonderful time! I am still stunned from what happened, and I know that my late grand-mother was smilling really big last night from Heaven.
I just hope this grows into a wonderful thing that never stops, that is cenetered around love!
