
know your enemy -> www.4verichip.com

The following site, is one of many, controlled by the enemy.


This site is all about dis-information, and 100% supports the VeriChip implants. We must be aware of the danger, and the evil that is behind this. We must not be asleep any longer, let us wake up to see what is going on. The VeriChip implants have been approved a while ago now by the FDA, a puppet of the evil that runs this country. They are already using them now, and before long they will be required. We can not let such things happen.
If people are truly for this land, and freedom, then let them see what evil sites lurking on the door step. They started with pets, now they are ready for a full injection into the entire human population. We must keep an eye on this, and we must know where we stand with ourselves, but more importantly, with the one who Created us. Pray! Pray! Pray! Ask for guideance and help... if you think I am just over the edge on this, then search your heart. Listen to what you have on the inside, and not to controlling - brainwashing - TV.


To review

I got a comment on one of my post, that really addressed my entire site. I would like to take that comment and reply to it.

A vistor came by (Which I love), and left a comment (Which I love), stating how he was in the service and that the U.S. Govt. has good and bad in it. That there are a lot of people in it who try to make a difference.

My response to that is this:
I would like to believe that, but I just can't. I believe that the entire system is so screwed up. It will take good, honest, great intetions people and corrupt them to the highest. They will become greedy, power hungry, and do anything they can do stay in power. The sick thing, we don't care enough to do anything about it. I am one of the one's who doesn't care enough. I mean I will rant and rave on here, but I don't do anything past that.
But if this is all I do, maybe someone reading in the future, or maybe our kids will be able to dump the entire corrupt system and make a change for the better. Part of me wishes that for my kids, and part of me also knows that in the end all the evil will fall anyway so...
To the comment poster, I am sorry if you take offense. I do not hate the people, or I am not against the people --- I am against the system. When bush said
"You stand with us or against us." He drew a line in the sand that cut the US down the middle. I stand against him, and all that bring evil, pain, killing, wars, etc.
So when he said that, I said I stand against him. But yet, I am an American, born and raised. I love the land I am from, and the people in it, yet I am against Bush. Does that mean I am for the terriost?? NO! Read the statment above, I am against evil. This war, is the house divided, evil vs. evil. A big plot, to get all of us drawn in, and then so thankful for when peace comes in, and we have no rights left. Watch for the signs, and beware of the evil doers. We are all sinners, I am a sinner amond sinners, but I strive to be good. There are those who strive to be evil. We must not fall prey to the lies and deception that is being fed to us.
Even if it is destiny that takes us down the dark road, just before dawn, we must fight the dark... no matter what the battle's outcome is... because the war is won with one blow, at the end.



More evil VeriChip news

I admit, it has been a little while since I wrote... I have been really busy, and I hope that everyone who reads this on a normal basis can still get some good out of it!

Anyway, to the news. The latest on the VerChip, evil, is here:

This link is to a ZDNet Article, talking about how they are already in use, and being tied to "credit" in a bar in Scotland. Scotland is where 80% of my blood orignates, and I have to say I hate to hear they are some of the first to do this.
For a good read though, scroll to the bottom of the page and read the comment on "insane".

Do not be easy thinking on this VerChip business, I truly believe it is one of the "signs" or "warnings" we are suppose to look out for! As always may peace be with each and everyone of you -- and May YHWH God always be your focus, through Yeshua Christ!



dieoff.org posts... some very good reads.

A few links where sent to me from a friend on mine. Someone who has seen more things, and knows more things than I will most likely ever see or know.

Anyway the site that these articles are from is dieoff.org. It seems to be filled with information about the bad side of things we do, and endure, and let happen as humans. It's approach is to reconize the bad, in order to find what is good.

With that in mind I post the following three links which I think everyone should read and learn from. And though it may not pertain to the study of the Bible, I believe is does directly tie in to the goals of this site. The study of YHWH God, and the bible, and to better understand myself. I also want to point out, that I have no clue what the person, or persons belief system is, so know that before you read on. Also know too, that from what I have heard the intent is to share good truthful knowledge in hopes of making what is left of the world a better one.

Here are the links:



I hope everyone get's a lot out of them, and is able to take away the truths that lay within. As always may YHWH God bless us and guide us all.

[Never stop searching for knowledge, always hold on to the truth.]



A State of Fear?

I really don't like politics. I can't stand them... but it seems that there is something I feel I need to address.

The U.S., and the rest of the world powers seem to have been and are trying to create a world state of fear. By creating attacks, and keeping the public in fear, the "great saviours" of D.C. and the rest of the neo-politics can keep gaining power without challenge from the mass public. In fact, this fear factor making has done so well that the mass public of the U.S. agrees with "killing those rag heads" or "they should not have picked on us, let get'em". Rag heads indeed, what most white American Christian's do nothing realize is Yeshua or Jesus Christ was no white. I hate to tell everyone, but he was not. He was from, where we now call rag heads... he was Jewish, and he real name was not Jesus. That is his english given name. His real name (and I am sure I am not spelling it right) Yeshua.

So why the tanget, to make a point. That the mass public knowledge is limited to what other people tell them and what they see on TV. It makes me sad, that we do not see the real enemy here. The evil that corrupts and turns possibly good men into instruments of death and evil.

So as this state of fear goes on, so does the publics privacey go away. Soon you will hear of, everything is ok now the we have stopped the terriost. And then a time of peace, the final breathe before the big storm.

If the general public can not wake up and see that they are being lied to about: Global Warming, Terrorist attacks, The U.S. Gov., The War, the real enemy within, etc. Then they will be led to the slaughter house, thinking they are getting let out to pasture. Tagged the whole way there, making sure every last one that can be fooled, is counted for and ready to be processed.

So what does this say of me? Do I cansider myself better in some way. Not at all, I am a sinner, a ignorant man, that needs YHWH God and Yeshua everyday of my life. I am thnakful to be here, and thankful to have my family and friends, and all the things that have been given to me. I am just one voice, trying to cry out, hoping that someone will hear and maybe listen. Do I know what the answer is? NO! But I know where to find it. Hit your knees, and pray. Seek with a clear and open mind. Do not keep with you the brain washing that is attempted. Remove the shackles, and live like you where born to be.... Free!



Happy New Year!

For those of us that use the Western Calendar, Happy New Year! For those that use Eastern, your will be on Feb. 8th (I Think!)

Anyway I hope that this is a year of peace and that more good will exists than evil!

-May YHWH God bless us and guide us all!
