
Starting a new job, moving to a new place

Well, Tomorrow I will hand in my 2 weeks notice at work. I think though they will tell me to leave this coming Friday. The reason being is it will end the pay current pay cycle.

I have enjoyed working where I am, but something has come along that I have prayed a lot about, and well it is happening. I guess that is why we could not get a house. Anyway, my family and I have taken a job in Georgia which will give us a lot more possibilities as far as school (for the kids), a bigger place to live, more pay, and more possible jobs and it seems a possible bighter future for my family.

This means we will be about 1hr 45 mins away from our extended family. Which that is not bad, but it is longer than the current 45 mins.

Anyway I am really excited and I am looking forward to the new challanges that lay ahead in this job. I will be doing web development and .net development for Mount Ville Mills. www.mountville.com. Well if anyone reads this, I would ask that you would pray for my family and I as well go through this change of job and place of living at the same time.

I want to say here that the only reason why I beathe, or have anything in my life is because YHWH God choosing to give me those things. I am a ignorant, sinful human that needs help and guideance in every form and in every way. I realize this, and realize that all praise and all thanks goes to our heavenly father.

Another note I would like to add to this is a pray list for my one of my freinds and his family. Their recent new born is having trouble and I just ask that you would pray for them. Also, my great-grandmother is failing and is really suffering. She was mis-treated in the current care facility called coosa valley retirement home. We are seeking the state get involved, but anyway please pray for her as well!

May YHWH God guide us and bless us all! :-)


I have a question, why would Mormons be classified as "Thinking they are Christians?"
I find that a lot of 'Christian' sects find others who claim to be Christains 'AKA Mormons' not to be true Christians. How can one judge the other in such a fashion.
I am not sure if a lot of people know this, but the Omish believe they are the only true Christians, Some Church of Christ believe they are the only true Christians, Jevoahs Witnesses believe they are the only true Christians, "The Truth" aka: 2x2's aka: Ivirnites believe they are the only true Christains.

My point, is how can you say one is true and not? The bible says you can tell by their fruit. Ok, well then what about all this "Well I am because I believe the holy day of rest is Saturday" or "Well I am because I don't watch TV and not body else is not" or "I am because I am in the correct sect"
Is this sepration not bad? Can people not see that this type of "We are the true Christians" and everyone else is not is based on HUMAN determined terms, and interpation of the bible? What does that tell us... to me that EVERYONE that claims to be a true Christian and says someone else is not, is fooling themselves and is in false talking with evil.

I mean how that claim be made. All one can claim is that I accept Christ, I ask for forgiveness, I am a sinner, and that is what I am. By default, because of these things you are a Christian. No matter if you believe in Saturday or Sunday (Refer to Christ talking with the Phraisees when they questioned him about working on the Sabath.) Or if you believe in the sprinkling of water, etc. These are all human based interprations. We have to realize what makes a Christian.

"No greater love exist, than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends as long as you keep my commandments" - Yeshua(AKA: Jesus) Christ.

So what makes a Christian? The acceptance of Christ, and the placement of his will and commands. I hope everyone reads this with much respect and love that comes from it. It is a topic that many times I have let myself leave churches over, because they bash other ones... nothing good comes from negativeness. So please leave comments and questions on this as I seek other peoples input.



All Hallow's Eve

It surprises me how some Christians have stopped and do not want to take part in All Hollws Eve. Christian are the one that Changed it to that from the Pagen Celtic Shamian Daye, or day of the Dead.

Legend has it that this is the Day, the God of the Dead allowed the souls to return back to earth and return back to their old home. Well early Christians changed Nov. 1st to All Saints day instead, making it possible for all the Saints that had no special day could have All Saints day. Then a few years later, the next day was declared All Souls day. To honor those that have passed on to the Ether. And so where does All Hallows Eve come from? Well on All Saints day, mask where worn in celebration and they where called Hallow Mask. So naturally, the laymen term for the eve of that day became All Hallows Eve. It was soon after shorten to become Halloween.

So to get back to my point, I believe that Christian who refuse to let their children dress up, or carve pumpkins, etc. just go to far and take the fun out of and old celebration for honoring those who have passed on.

I for one, will always let my children dress up, trick or treat and have fun. And when they are old enough to understand I plan on explaining to them the background to the holiday. Again if anyone thinks I am wrong, please leave comments pointing me in the right direction. I just think you will not find anywhere scripture based that disallows such a celebration. I mean if you want to get that cut dry about things, Christmas time was all done in order to replace an old Pagen worship time. The Christ Mass, (hence Christmas) was held in order to turn the Sun God worhsip into a Christian holiday. And not that I don't like Christmas... I love it! And love celebrating my Saviors birth! Just making a point, that All Hallows Eve can be fun, spirtual, and Christian based. :-)

So happy Trciker treating! And may YHWH God bless us and guide us all... in Christ name!



Living in this world but not of it.

Something that has come up in recent thoughts and dicussion with people is about our children. And not just the broad subject of children, but rather giving children what they need.

Now you can branch off here and take the stance that children really only need love, shelter, and food. But what is the need that I am talking about based upon. Well as parents, even Christian parents, want their children to suceed in society. Even though contentment would be the best thing, with themselves and the life given to them through YHWH God. But in order to succeed in this world, children need more things, and the things I refer to really are material based.
Now I for one, don't believe you give and give and never teach them the value of things. But I do also believe that if I have the ability to buy my kids the best clothes possible then I will do so. Why some may ask. The reason is, and this is a proven fact, children that have the best are usually afforded more oppurtunities than children that do not have such things. It's sad but a true statment.
Now this may be cause for a big old stop sign for most. And if you don't read the rest of this, then you want understand the point I am trying to make. :-)

You see I believe you can give your kids the best 'stuff' so to give them those society based 'merits', and at the same time inject our Christian beliefs and values into those things and actions.

Now if my kids want to take a stand and not be like that I will be all for it, but at the same time if my kid wants to dress in all black I will let them. Either way they will here what I think about it, but I will not stiffle their personal development and discovery of themselves. Why some one may ask again. Because by doing so, by forcing your own conformaties on a child then you are actually getting the opposite result. It's a universal rule, that if you try to hard for something, you obtain the opposite. Its a balancing system.

Anyway this ties in to giving them the best possible, by doing so you afford them certain chances that they may not get if they do not have those certain things. I believe too this is a missed point, that parents don't see. You can use those things to teach lessons and to instill beliefs and values. By doing this, you can actually raise children that are living in the world, but not of it. Because these things are obtained in there child hood, and because you have been teaching them the right things, by all measures they will not put so much esteem and value into material items. Therefore, they are afforded more time and chances to focus on the real things in life like wlaking with YHWH God and spirtaul growth!

Some of you may say I am crazy, but if you really just sit down and think about this. You will see that such an avenue is open, and can be used to produce the desired results of raising wonderful blessed, giving, Godly children.

Note: My wife and I are still raising our kids, and have been trying our best to execute this plan. At the same time trying our best to raise our kids in prayer, and by the Bible. I guess time will tell if this works, but this did not come from me. I got this form of child rearing from my parents, whom I believe if I can be half the parents they are then I will have done a good job! ~thanks mom and dad!~



What to focus on

Well today has been a whirlwind of information, focus, to-do's, to-don'ts... all just scrambled together like an information omlet! :-)

Anyway, I have to say that I have not been able to focus on reading from my studies, but rather have been thrown into studing ASP.Net because that is the new technology we are moving to for my job. I love this stuff, but have not been able to study up on John, like I have been wanting to.

My goal, along with many of them that I have posted here, is to take the book of John and use it as my Authorship papre. This paper, which I will post once completed, is to be turned in for one of my New Test. Class projects at SCU.Anyway, other than being busy things are going great and I have been blessed with another wonderful day!



BattleField Earth

I am being led it seems to talk about WAR. What kind of WAR though, not WAR of humans vs. humans, but that which has been ragining since the fall of Man. Spirutal WAR!

You see with the war in the gulf going on, and the threat made out by the TV's of the world, it seems as though the world of yesterday is gone forever. It seems as though we have entered into a time period where certain events will take place that set the stage for the last showing of hands. I personally believe that we are at the pre-stage, where certain technologies are being implemented and matured.

I myself am a technologist, by the fact that I develop software for a living. I like technology, it's cool to me. But technology, and everything else will be used against us in the end by the evil one.

You see we have to start thinking to ourselves, what will happen will the end comes. It may not take place in out time, it may not place in our childrens time, it may take place tomorrow! No one knows the hour, but the Creator, YHWH, Heavenly Father.

So we must think, if I am around, or any of my decendants, what is a few things I can do or leave for them so that they can be better prepared for fighting the battle of the human mind? The spirtual warefare that takes place and rages on within us and around us.

One of the first things that can be done is to make sure you and your children and family understand one fact. When it happens, all rules change. The goal will be to get you to give in and take the mark. What does that mean? Well food will be used, work, credit, (no more money). If you don't have the mark, then you will not be able to work, eat, buy anything. And sure you might be able to survive by living off the land, but a lot of people will not. So some basic wood knowledge, and plant knowledge would be very useful to know. Hopefully, if you have children and they are not of age, they will be caught up in the rapture and not have to suffer through what many will.

A point I want to stress here is that the suffering is only temporary. It will dismish and go away, and what you will be left with is the choice you made. The choice, to turn away from the evil, to let them destroy your body if need be, because they CAN NOT harm your soul, for it is garded by the one that created you. Refuse the mark, and don't fall prey to tricks. They will use tatics, and idea's that we as humans have never thought of. They will try and make us believe they are good, if we resiest, we will be made to look like the evil ones. Then people you know will most likely turn against you. If that does not work, all thing will be taken from you, and the ability for you to substain life will be pretty much gone. After that, I believe such tatics as promising to save your family memebers and friends if you take the mark. Saying they want have to, and you can feed your family's and friends then. Don't belive a word of it! Lies, all Lies, because in the end we all have to decide for outselves.

Now I can't stress the preivous statment enough! If you are a family or friend of mine, do not make the ultimate mistake on my behalf, no matter what they threat. Keep with the truth of our Lord and Saviuor the Christ!

There may be a question in your mind at this point, of how can I tell if this evil one is fake or the real saviour. You will know Christ, because EVer head will bow, and ever knee will touch the ground, and every tongue will proclaim his LordShip. That's striaght from Revelations. Stop on that for a while and think about that. Everyone will bow, that means the evil one(s) as well. When you see the evil being forced to bow, if you live that long on earth, then you will see, for he will come from the heavens, on a cloud of power, a glorious appearing, and you will see him like you see the lightning from east to the west.

That tells me that Everyone will see Christ coming back for us from Heaven. And if you have already passed on, you may be standing right beside him, with the multitude of white, the Amry of white comes marching down.

I know that I have talked a lot know, a lot about the end times, I hope that if anyone reads this they will keep in their hearts the promise and comfort that comes from Christ, and YHWH God. Always call upon the name of our saviour, and you will be comforted!

In Christ name I ask for guidance for us all, and that we will always hold on to hope, and most importantly the truth. YHWH God, Yeshua Christ, the Holy Spririt, the Multitude of white will win!



Verichip - Evil all around it

Well it's pretty much sealed it for me today. I can say for sure, that there is evil about. There has always been evil about, but this is right out there in the lime light.

The FDA announced today that they approved the marketing of the verichip, in which a person can be tied to a stored serial number on the chip. This chip would then be "implanted" under your skin and Health Professionals could then scan it and get all your vitals, important info. etc.

You heard me right, implanted!!!!!!!!! EVIL! It's pure evil, and I for one will not be subjected to such control, and pure evil with good mind and and if I have a choice. This is for sure a tool of evil, and the first wave in a series of events that will take place.

I do not mean to soud aplocolatic, but this is truly a big sign. There is a whole industry, apprarently that is revolving around this. It first started with the pets, tracking boxes, when even used RF tags when I worked at Honda to track Engines. But now the push has came to track humans. This goes even futher in Mexico where about 1000 people have been "tagged" with these implants, which by the way are required to have in order for them to access certain computer systems. Another place to look up information on this, and to WATCH OUT FOR is: Digital Angel Inc.

Again I love each day that is given to me, and I realize I am a stupid little human that is sinful in many ways. And my focus is on the love and grace that gave me breathe, life, and salvation. The fact still remains that such topics and issues should be viewed, looked at, and realized by everyone Christian or not.

My prayer is that when the time comes for the decision to be made, that we all would make the right choice and choose Christ!

May YHWH God be with us all, as we enter into this time frame of events.
(I pray, and hope within me that I am blowing this out of water. I hope that this will blow over, and nothing comes of it! I hope this...)



It's been a year of Marriage!

Well, tomorrow marks my wife and I first year of marriage. Man what a blessed wonderful ride it has been. Sure we have fought, and made up, and went through things, but it's now been a year and we are still here, together! I went back to a year ago in my post and found something that is most quoted when it comes to love from Corinthans:

"Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is
not arrogant,
does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not
provoked, does
not take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

I truly love that passge, because I believe it is some of the deepest insight to the properties of YHWH God. I mean you could easily replace the word love here with YHWH God and see what I mean! It also tells us what true love is.

Someone once said, that true love is not at the start of a realationship but rather in the parts where it's so hard to love someone. They may even hate you, but if you love them then that is true love. Loving someone, when they seem almost un-lovable. And that is how our Heaven Father loves us, because face is most of the time we humans are most un-lovable!

At any rate, I wanted to reflected on the year a little and bring back that passage because this has truly been a year of growing love! I am so thankful that Amy is my wife, and that we have two wonderful little Girls! This past year has brought me a lot of wrinkles, brought from smiling so much and I hope and look forward to many more years like this one!

Thank you YHWH God, Christ, Holy Spirit for this wonderful arrangment that has become my life. I deserve not one bit of this wonderfulness, but accept it with open and clinchful arms. I look forward to whatever the tomorrow brings, for I know that I have YHWH God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and my family by my side!



The Book Of John

My New Test. Class instructor (well one of them!) Dr. Temple, from Southern Christian Un. pointed out to us how he believe that book of John is the most theological book of the gospels.

What does that mean though? Well the word Theo, which is Greek for God. So Theology means the study of God. (Because -ology means study of).
So taking that in mind, he goes on to say that how John Mark was the one who wrote it, and John Mark was a Gentile Doctor who traveled with Paul on his missionary Journeys.

I have never quite studied the bible in such a way before as to take it and find out possibly when it was written (the books that is), exactly by who, and the contextual value of each of the passages. It has really brought to life in a different way the bible for me.

At any rate I don't want to ramble on to much because I have an English Mid term and paper I have to do Tonight because I have put it off. (that's a whole other post, and issue! Procrastination!)
But I wanted to post about this, and come back to it later, because the book of John has become of great interest to me. Being that it was put together by a Gentile, about the teachings of Christ while this Doctor Genetile (John Mark) was learning most of them from Paul, the Apostle to the Genetiles.... and what are we? (If your a Christian and not a Jew.) We are Genetiles!

So the book of John has a lot of interest for me!



Well I am trying another website. I know that I announced on here a while ago about skillaid.com.

I have not really done much with that site, and to be honest I just can't think of much to do with it. But I have a lot of good Idea's that I believe I can do with the new site I just registered called blogwalk.net

I want post much about it, because I want to do it first and then talk about after it is done... I just want to touch base on it because what inspired it was the fact that I wanted to give a way for Christian bloggers to connect, meet, and share time on each others blogs in order to spread awarness about them.

I have to say that blogealk.net will not be totally focused just for Christian bloggers, but it will be a Chrisitan based site, ran by the best way I can run it through Christian Morals and Ethics.


House update

Well our prayers have been answered about the house. We are not going to get it, and I believe it is for the best.

Sure we would have love to gotten it, but I mean the Lord knows what is best and and the best for us and our needs.
I am content with the outcome, and now our focus can turn to saving up for a downpayment later on, maybe next year.

We did get approved, but the closing cost was going to be to much, so we could not get it. So we have decided to try and save up, and purchase 1 - 3 arces where we are now, and then try and get it paid off first. Then once that is paid off and we are able to have it in our name, in the clear, then we can build or move a modular home on their first for cheaper, and then build later.

Either way it gives us the flexibility to have something to put up when time comes to build a place instead of trying to walk into the deal empty handed.

Again I want to re-state that I think the best thing took place and now we can move on! So thank you to anyone who prayed for my family and I in this matter! And thanks for your prayers all the time!



Trying for a house

Today's post is going to be a little more on the personal side than usual. Reason why is because it is about something is really on my heart and mind. You see my wife and I are seeking to buy a house. It will be our first house, and we seek it because (a) we feel we need one for our growing family of 4 (b) because we want to move to this location in Alabama that has a great school system and is close to work (c) because we would like for our money to be going to something than rent that can be used in the future.

Now all of these things are focused on the family, and that is why I bring the post here today. I want to shed, and bring spirtual insight to this process I am going through and hopefully get prays and comments from all of you who read this.

To fill in a little bit, we have found the house we want, and have applied for a pre-approval loan. The trick is, my parents are having to get the house in their name. The loan company would have given my wife and I a loan, but only a 90% loan, and we don't have the kind of down payment. So my wonderful mom and dad are trying to get it in there name. Most likely we will find out tomorrow if they qualify and if they do, then we will make and offer on this house we like!

Well the spirtaul insight needed, is because my wife and I need patience, need to understand that YHWH God's will shall be done and we should take comfort in that, and that this may not go through and we must be prepared for that. So first I would like to ask anyone who is reading this to please pray for my family and me as we go through this. I ask though that you DO NOT pray that we get this house and loan but rather that YHWH God's will be done, and through Christ give us strength, courage, and patience through this.

I know there are a lot of people out there who need your prayers more, but if you can work us in your pray time that would be great.

Next thing I want to ask is if anyone has went through this recently, please post in the comments section below to email me: Email Me!

And I will post your thoughts, comments, etc. If you want me too.
If all things, we must strive to gloryfy him that is Holy. With that in mind I seek to do so even with trying to get a home, not gettting a home... whatever happens, and I seek to gain knowledge by those who have already done such things.

Well enough of my ramblings... I welcome all comments, thoughts and prayers, and May YHWH God bless us all!
