I am being led it seems to talk about WAR. What kind of WAR though, not WAR of humans vs. humans, but that which has been ragining since the fall of Man. Spirutal WAR!
You see with the war in the gulf going on, and the threat made out by the TV's of the world, it seems as though the world of yesterday is gone forever. It seems as though we have entered into a time period where certain events will take place that set the stage for the last showing of hands. I personally believe that we are at the pre-stage, where certain technologies are being implemented and matured.
I myself am a technologist, by the fact that I develop software for a living. I like technology, it's cool to me. But technology, and everything else will be used against us in the end by the evil one.
You see we have to start thinking to ourselves, what will happen will the end comes. It may not take place in out time, it may not place in our childrens time, it may take place tomorrow! No one knows the hour, but the Creator, YHWH, Heavenly Father.
So we must think, if I am around, or any of my decendants, what is a few things I can do or leave for them so that they can be better prepared for fighting the battle of the human mind? The spirtual warefare that takes place and rages on within us and around us.
One of the first things that can be done is to make sure you and your children and family understand one fact. When it happens, all rules change. The goal will be to get you to give in and take the mark. What does that mean? Well food will be used, work, credit, (no more money). If you don't have the mark, then you will not be able to work, eat, buy anything. And sure you might be able to survive by living off the land, but a lot of people will not. So some basic wood knowledge, and plant knowledge would be very useful to know. Hopefully, if you have children and they are not of age, they will be caught up in the rapture and not have to suffer through what many will.
A point I want to stress here is that the suffering is only temporary. It will dismish and go away, and what you will be left with is the choice you made. The choice, to turn away from the evil, to let them destroy your body if need be, because they CAN NOT harm your soul, for it is garded by the one that created you. Refuse the mark, and don't fall prey to tricks. They will use tatics, and idea's that we as humans have never thought of. They will try and make us believe they are good, if we resiest, we will be made to look like the evil ones. Then people you know will most likely turn against you. If that does not work, all thing will be taken from you, and the ability for you to substain life will be pretty much gone. After that, I believe such tatics as promising to save your family memebers and friends if you take the mark. Saying they want have to, and you can feed your family's and friends then. Don't belive a word of it! Lies, all Lies, because in the end we all have to decide for outselves.
Now I can't stress the preivous statment enough! If you are a family or friend of mine, do not make the ultimate mistake on my behalf, no matter what they threat. Keep with the truth of our Lord and Saviuor the Christ!
There may be a question in your mind at this point, of how can I tell if this evil one is fake or the real saviour. You will know Christ, because EVer head will bow, and ever knee will touch the ground, and every tongue will proclaim his LordShip. That's striaght from Revelations. Stop on that for a while and think about that. Everyone will bow, that means the evil one(s) as well. When you see the evil being forced to bow, if you live that long on earth, then you will see, for he will come from the heavens, on a cloud of power, a glorious appearing, and you will see him like you see the lightning from east to the west.
That tells me that Everyone will see Christ coming back for us from Heaven. And if you have already passed on, you may be standing right beside him, with the multitude of white, the Amry of white comes marching down.
I know that I have talked a lot know, a lot about the end times, I hope that if anyone reads this they will keep in their hearts the promise and comfort that comes from Christ, and YHWH God. Always call upon the name of our saviour, and you will be comforted!
In Christ name I ask for guidance for us all, and that we will always hold on to hope, and most importantly the truth. YHWH God, Yeshua Christ, the Holy Spririt, the Multitude of white will win!