
First week at SCU.

Well I am well on my way at SCU. I am in English Comp. I, Money Managment, & Introduction and Survey of the New Test.

I like them all, but Intro. & Survey to NT & Monet Management that best. I really am thankful that I have been giving a chance to advance in the Educational area, and given a chance to complete my B.S. and even higher if need be!

At any rate, it's wonderful and I am really diving into this. I love the foramt that SCU offers, very interactive and everything in PDF or MP3 format, so the course ware is very portable.

At any rate if anyone reads this I would ask you pray for me in this that I can be deadicated and balanced in this effort!

May YHWH God bless us all!



Still learning to Apply

Well I am still on a applying my knowledge kick. I am still learning but I am looking and listening and giving my mind some quite time.

I start SCU a week from today, and I am very excited. I look forward to learning as much as possible about YHWH God and Yeshua!

At any rate, I will get back to writing but I have to make sure I am writing from the heart and spirit lead... not from the mind and ego lead!




Busy... and taking things in

I have been taking a step back here... I have been busy and also at the same time I am trying to take things in. The lessons I have learned and what is going on. To listen mor instead of talk or type.

But this is a short break into I can get my focus back on 100% towards YHWH God and not just write to be writing! That one of the things I do not want to do... just find subjects to post about or write on just to have something that I posted for that day.

I want my post to be from the heart, inspired by the spirit. So with that said I will still post here most likely from every other day to every 5 days until I feel I can write from the heart and not from the mind!

That also means that my submissions to crossmap will be put on hold until that point is reached... so you can say I am just learning to listen better!



Trying to explain God?

I have noticed a trend, or a 'must-do' for a lot of humans. We try to sit by, reading and learning so we can point out what we say is 'wrong'. Or maybe even point out what the bible says, or what the apostles say is wrong or miss-leading.

It is human for us to try and explain God and God's ways. We try to put it in neat little packages and label it so we can feel 'comfortable' about the subject.

I am reading Jensen's Survey of the New Testament. It is for a class at Southern Christian University. At any rate, from the start of this Jensen explains starting out about the canon that is the New Testament. He goes into great detail about the process that has taken place to get to the Bible that is in your hands today. The point I am trying to make is this, "evil has speed, but truth has endurance.". Now I am not sure who said that, but it fits to what I am trying to get across.

You see the people that would be the nay sayers try to point to 'Aliens', or to discredit the Stories and teachings of Christ by claiming he might have been married. (ref: The Divici Code)

This labeling, or the attempts to explain by humans means how the stories and things there in of the Bible took place is a tactic that is used to portray that in today's' "Modern" times such stories would have been told like this: And then the person would go on telling about how they think it happened and what they think it meant. And also "add in" parts they feel were left out.

Most of these attempts at explaining God and God's word are feeble, and splattered with assumptions and miss-leadings. In the end, it is a hidden attack that is trying to capture the "eye" of our youth. I don't really think many Christians, and Christian scholars would give an ear to just talk and fiction. My fear though is that this is targeted at the current and next generation. (1yr-27yr olds). I believe too, that by throwing in Aliens, and trying to miss-lead the world about what 'must likely happened, but was left out' the perps that are behind this are making a swaying affect against the younger generation. So it is our duty as Christians to heed the call and set forth with our mission work. To spread the good word and be prepared, can't so that enough "prepared", to fight against such rhetoric.

In the end, we must help the world realize that God is un-explainable by human means and attempts to bottle up God or box him up will only prove to cause deep confusion within the person and strong lengths of denial for the truth. We have to get the world to stop trying to prove for or against God, and to listen to what God is trying to say to them. We have to be the Salt of the earth and make people thirst for the living water that is God through Christ, by the Holy Spirit (that moves us and Guides us.)

The attempt to explain God or God's word is the deep inner self's of those people trying to reach out and find what God has for them. By trying to explain though, their human side is trying to cope with the fact that 'they' do not know hardly anything about real life.

Heavenly Father thank you for this wonderful day, and good health that I find myself in. I would ask that you guide me so that when I write it is filled with your love and wisdom and not my ego and ignorance. Please be with those who are searching and can't seem to find the way of the light, who get side tracked and focused on the 'what it's' instead of the 'what is.' May we your servants always be salt, so that the world will come to you to drink! - Amen



Violence in Video games


The above CNN article will tell you about a Vidoe Game called Manhunt. It is a game were you are pitted as playing a gorish game, in which in order to win you must kill or be killed.

The more gorish you kill people, the more points you get. That is the object of this game. It is being classified as a murder simulator, and it is a horrible disgrace of an art that is being more and more corrupted by the same influences that have corrupted the movies and television.

You see publishers and developers hide behind the free speech amendment, and insert into our society content that gives adults and children alike the ability to kill people for fun, and points.

This game, is really though at the tip of a pushing effort that began in the mid 90's, were blood and gore were added to ceratin fighting vidoes games. And with the recent viloent video ban over ruled, this will only get worse.

Now to get back to the point of this post. This is not a review, but rather a rant on this soon to be epidemic in this world. You see a 17 year old boy in England was playing this game all the time. Well I guess the simulation was not good enough for him anymore because he lured his 14 year old friend into a park were he then proceeded to seek up behind him and them kill him, which much depected gore, by a claw hammer. (I am told one of the many ways you can kill someone in the Game Man Hunt.)

This game, along with games that can be classified in the same area of gorish display should be banned from sell to the public. Yes the 17 year old choose to kill that boy, and yes maybe the parents could have realized that their child was plying this game and put a stop to it, but the Game Man Hunt, was the biggest (accroding to reports) influence for this murder.

Perponets of the free speech argument though, speak of problems with "once you can ban items like this, then the media will no longer be free."

So way the cost, the corruption of young minds by gorish content should be allowed? Or the banning of such content to help prevent, as a community effort, the coruption of young minds?. Which has more wieght?

Now the sad part. Most likely, the free speech argument will win.
The hope is, that parents would pray and ask YHWH God for guidance so they could be more involved in their childrens lives. So that when such games are played and purchased the parents can stop or at least discuss with their child what is going on.

You see, there lay within this two known (if not more, I am sure) problems.
One is the seperation from reality (based on reports) that the 17 year old boy went through. The game became real for him, and my assumption is that he was just a button press away from reset. The second problem is the lack of understanding what our kids are doing and playing.

True some things are going to happen, some kids need professional help that their parents can not provide. But I truly believe a better effort must be made by us as parents in order to help curve and prevent such actions. We must be involved.

Heavenly Father, we take comfornt that your will shall be done in our lives and in your time. Please guide us as parents so that we can take better action in our children lives and have a better understanding of what is going on in their lives. May you also guide us, so that we may be able to add to the good of this world, instead of the bad. I also pray for the families of the 14 year old boy that was slained, and pray that you have brought him home safe with you. I also pray for the boy that killed him and his family. May you work in their lives and ours always. In Christ name I ask these things and send you thanks and praise. -Amen
