Tomorrow starts a new Month
Well, it seems like it was a dream. This past month... having a baby, and all the wonderful moments that God blessed my family with.
It is hard to believe that the past month went like it did. You see I am kinda of stunned really, I get like this from time to time... past the point of thankful, to the point of just pure belief. It seems as only yesterday that I was graduating from High School, and now I am sitting with my 3 1/2 year old talking to me as I type while my wonderful wife feeds our baby.
They are so wonderful. Having a family is such a blessing and I pray and hope that I can be the best husband and father that I can be. I know that I have a lot to learn, and I try and learn from God's lessons that he is teaching me, and from the bible. I know in it is considered one of the best callings is to be a Father and Husband. But back to a lot to learn... I just have came to a point to were I approach life one day at a time... and I have really been trying to cut back to were I worry not at all. Just let the day handle itself and get every bit of goodness I can from it, so I can return the goodness.
It is like Jesus taught us, you should not worry, for the day has enough worry itself... we should not add to it. Now I myself do not take this as we should not plan... I mean I believe we should make plans, we just should not be all bent out of shape if our plans do not match up with Gods. It is like someone once said, save as much as you can and give as much as you can.
Anyway before I get off on wild tangets that are connected at the start and end, I believe we should take in each day one at a time and enjoy the good moments. Not to worry about what things may await us, for at that moment God will guide us to the right decision as long as we give him our earsa to hear what he is trying to tell us.
May God bless bring those close to him who have no one to hold them, and watch over those who have no one to watch over them... and as always may God bless and guide each of us so we can be the best servants to him and his will.