
It's been nearly a week since I have wrote. I am sorry to anyone that actually read this. I know that it has been a crazy past week. One I have had a lot of off time, but it has been mixed with me being sick. So this of course is to say, not given me the 'wanna do' attitude about writting.

Anyway, I am still truly blessed. Though I must say that does not mean that I am not tested or now but to trials. I know that over the past few weeks, getting ready for Christmas, and all has been trying. Being in a new marraige, has it times were I know both me and my wife are at wits ends going back and forth over things. At any rate we still are maddly in love and know that God is watching over us, just a few dips in the old sine wave of life.

My wonderful wife, is so great to me, and I pray that my sometimes stupid attitude does not affect her to badly. Sometimes I don't know how I was so lucky to find her. I now know that I did not find her, I myslef could not find anything. It was all God. He blessed us with this wonderful marraige and God is the one that wacthes over our every move and my every little stupid mistake. At any rate, for those that read this, happiness does not come from material things it comes from God. The source.

One of my favorite things to do these days is turn the TV off and read with my wife and daughter the Bible. Of course my little daughter (3) does not understand yet and wants to know why she can't continue to watch sponge bob. Of course it make me smile and I just reply "One day you will understand"



Well God has blessed me with another wonderful week! This is truly wonderful, I mean God has blessed me with being able to see my new Baby, bounce around in my wife's belly! Also at work, it look slike he has made it possible for me to be on first shift all the time (at least for now!) that is another wonderful blessing, and I can see how God is really trying to change me. One to not be so lazy and to not become complancent.

Of course I can not forget to mention those wonderful moments of bliss that God blesses me with my family, my wife, daughter Emily, soon to be new born baby, and of coure my dad and mom and lil' bro!

Anyway I know I have not really posted this week much on what I have studied, but I can't help ut post how much God has blessed me, and most of all how much I love God and how muc God loves all of us!

May God bless us all!



God is so wonderful! My wife goes in tomorrow for her first offical checkup for the new baby! I am taking off early and going with her! God has truly really really really blessed us!

Thank you so much God!

Anyway, I just wanted to say how wonderful God is and how much God has blessed me!
May God bless us ALL!



Being on first shift at work, during the next few weeks takes a lot fo my time up. I try and use most of my free time with my family then because it is when I have the most tiem to see them.

I will try and write everyday, and hopefully put forth what I have been taught for that day. Anyway, all I have to say right now is that God ahs truly blessed me. I was listening to the radio today and Michael Regan was on. He is the son of Ronald Regan, and he was telling about a wonderful story, his life. I about turned the channel, because of how everyone pushes Republican and politics sometimes, and use's spirtual and religous things to push their own political goals. That is one fo the issues I have with some many churches. To much politics!

At any rate I listened and I thank God I did. It brought up some of the old issues and things I myself have dealt with in my life and I am just so thankful for how God shows the love he has for me and my family!

Thank you God!



Well God has really blessed me with another great and wonderful weekend! I have a nice two weeks layout. I am working firsts so I will be really busy! Plus with the holiday season coming upon us it will be really busy time!

Reflecting back on this weekend and I can truly say that God has blessed me with just all kinds of wonderful little moments. Moments with my wife, with my daughter, and most important quite time with God!

Anyway it has been truly wonderful! I hope everyone out there got some time alone with God and I hope that everyone trys their best to make the most of each and every day. I know I am trying to learn more and more how to do that, and also how to put God first in every aspect of my life.

May God bless us all!



So it seems that I have 'Games on the brain'. I have turned my focus to this, and with the rev. that Game Design and Development has become my hobby I am trying to look at it full swing! I have downloaded what I believe to be my starting point. Only time will tell if I can actually do this, but I really really want to develop my skills in this area and produce clean, christian games that are family based.

I know it may just be a dream, but for some reason it just feels right, and it is so cool. I am usre it serves as a purpose to ease the creative itch. And being the geek I am, it helps in that area too. I just hope and pray that I do this with honesty and that it serves and stays a hobby. (until of course I can make a living at it! LOL) But anyway, I am going to my my attempt at it.

My first goal now is to do some concept art, come up with a main character and the come up with a story board. Then I am going to have to develop the graphics, use sounds and develop sound tracks, and go from there. It is a nice little package though that I have downloaded. I just really am tahnkful that God has given me the freedom and abilites to even attempt something like this. Again I hope and pray that thsi does not take away time from God, my family or real job.
Anyway if anyone is reading this, pleae pray for me so that I would not let this take up time with God, or my family!

Thank you God for all the things you have given me!
May God bless us all!



One of my dreams is to develop games. When I say games, I mean computer based games. I would like to either do concept art, java game deelopment, storyline work, 3d art work, etc. Any or all of that for projects that deal with games. And I would love to develop games that are Christian and Family based. Games that would help children learn, and great "CLEAN" fun games.

I know this is just a dream of mine, and so I don't know if it falls into God's plan for me. I have recently joined and pending application on joining a few game projects doing art and doing java development. I would love to do this for a living, but again this goes back to why I am even writting this, does such a dream have to do anything would God's plan for me?

I know it is easy to get our own plans and idea's ahead of what God has in store for us. When I say ahead, I mean that in ahead on the list. Whatever God has planned for me with come about. I guess by writting this I am trying to work out my dream and see if it will just always be a dream or something that I can do and do to help others, and let God work through me in such a path. I mean I am happy at my current job and thankful for it. It is great and very stable. I have a family so I want be going off on any job jumping adventures. (of course unless God send me on one!) So I guess it will be one of those things that I do in my free time. My hobby!

Hey! I have been looking for a good hobby to do, and I have the art equipment, and small electronic studio, game design and development could be my hobby! Thank you God, thank you for just now sending that to me!

God is truly wonderful, even in such a trivial thing as my dream he has helped me!

May God bless us all!



Well I have had a wonderful weekend. God has truly blessed me with a new week, and more time on earth to learn and study about him and his works. At any rate, I have just picked up my bible and I hav ebeen reading again through Isaiah. I read through Isaiah 9:1-7

"Nevertheless, there will be no more
gloom for those who were in distress. In
the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and
the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will
honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of
he sea, along the Jordon-
The people walking in drakness
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow
of death.
a light has dawned.
You have enlarged the nation
and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you
as people rejoice at the harvest,
as men rejoice
when dividing the plunder.
For as in the day of Midian's defeat,
you have shattered
the yoke that burdens them,
the bar across their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressor.
Every warrior's boot used in battle
and every garment rolled in blood
will be destined for burning,
will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this."

I plan to study over the next week or more (however long it takes me), I plan to study the book of Isaiah, because he was on the money about God, and the coming of the Lord Chirst. Just look at the above. It is very clear in what was to come, and what will come again. It of course it talking about Jesus Christ. "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." You can't be told in any simpler terms than that, about what Jesus Christ IS!

May God bless us all!
And thank you God for this life that you have given me! I also want to say a special pray for someone's Mom. I was told she has cancer, terminal, so if anyone is reading this, just pray for the Spirtual, Mental and Physical health of all cancer patients and their families.



Over the past week, I have really been given a lot to be thankful for. Some of the most wonderful moments in my life come when I am playing with my daughter Emily, or coming home late at night from work and climbing into bed, so that I can hold my wonderful wife Amy.

Another place God has blessed me at is at work. I talk a lot about my home life, but can not begin to even tell you how much God has blessed me with this job. It is a job, where I have enough dowtime to study, read, and learn about God's will and works. During this past week I have read about Jesus's birth in Luke and Matthew. I have studies Isaiah 53 which is very good, because it talks about the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also have re-read one of my favorite verses in the bible. Song of Songs 8:6-7

"Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on you arm
for love is as strong as death
its jealousy unyielding as the grave
It burns like a blazing fire
like a mighty flame
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of his house for love
it would be utterly scorned."

I just really like this verse. It was about said at our wedding but instead 1 Corth. 13:4-7 was, which is also a great love verse. My point is God has shown me so much love, and I am so thankful. I know it is easy to get side track in life, and to 'forget' how much God really does for us. I know that I am going to try over the next week to take more and more time to just say thanks to God.

Well that's all for now, May God bless us all!



Iwas just talking with a co-worker. He is a non-believer, and I have been trying to talk to him about God for the past few months. I kinda walk on egg shells when I talk to him, in where I don't want to force anything on him because when you do that people just reject you.

I know God is guiding me when I talk, and I just pray that I do not put to much of myself into it, meaning I hope God is able to work through me when I am talking to him. Another co worker of mine Tim (a believer) said, that the issue with people like our co-worker is that they 'think' there is no need for God. That it is just a debate to them, they don't see the need for God in their lives, so why should they seek God. I have really been thinking about that, God reveals himself in many ways and helps us out when we least expect we are going to recieve help. I believe God was using Tim to talk to me about what the issue is, why this is still a debate between my co-worker and me.
So the task when dealing with such a person, is to bring to the fore front the area's in their life that they need God in Of course the answer for everyone is in everything and in every aspect. Easily said by a believer like me, not easily brought out to a non-believer within themself.
So maybe my problem exists with ME. That I have been trying to help Damien out. If I sit hard, think about it, all I have done was talk to him about my experinces. Which I think we should do, and I have prayed for him many times, but maybe I and trying to do too much and not letting God work through me enough on this issue.

So God, I am asking for help with this! Ever since I meet Damien I have felt that God has placed me in his path for some reason. I just hope in the end, I was able to allow God to work through me on this, and not get in the way so much to were I do damage.
If anyone is reading this, I ask that you please pray for this situation, and also pray that I let God do the work and not put my won agenda or thoughts into the mix to much.

May God bless us all!



Dinosaur questions and answers - ChristianAnswers.Net this is a great little site I found. I have never been to ChristianAnswers.net but it seems to be a very well put together Christian database. I have not read their statment of faith yet, but from what I have read on their site it seems pretty good.

I really like this section of their website where they have went into searching the word about Dinosaurs. This is wonderful, and I truly agree with the data that they are supplying. I have not read through it all but plan to soon. It is really worth anyone's time to check out!


I wrote in a few post back about starting a new website. www.forgivable.net. This is the new project that was given to me, the idea was sprung from what a friend was telling me about, and it grew from there. My goals with this are to give an duse my abilities for God's work. Tithes. Paying what I should be paying, giving my first fruits through the talents and abilities God has given me.

My pray about this, is that if it is in God's will for this to be done then I hope and pray God will lead me in every aspect of this project and guide me away from putting my 'self' in the spot light for doing something like this. If it is not in God's will for this to be done, if God can not use this through me or others to help do God's will then I hope the project fails and is dropped off.

Anyway I wanted to state some of the idea's I have so that I could document them and maybe implement them. I want to design a webstie that offers web services to all levels of the body of Christ. I want this site not to be associate with any one Association but welcome all believers of Christ to this site. Some of the tools I want to offer are event planning, event management. Some other tools are advanced Christian research tools, and area's were registered members can create research portfilio's, and post and manage the research for everyone else to view if need be. This of course would feed the advanced Christian research tools.

I would also incoporate www.biblerama.com (this blog) as a sub web on the forvigable.net network. So I will still post my rambilings for those that get any use out of it. (maybe I am the only one who reads this.. either way!)

The theme I want for this web 'center' more than a site, would be to help initate grass roots rivial all throughout the body of Christ. To help impower local org's, people, communities in helping each other and the less fortunate around them.
I would also like to create a 'how to get involved' section, where advanced searches can be done and social networking can be accomplished so a single person can get involved in their area at the level that they can give. Kinda of like a Christian Knowledge Collective. My loving wife will be joining me in helping to make this happen and administrate it.

Well that's whats on my mind currently. Hopefully it is something that God can put to use to help his children. I know I need God's grace everyday, I mean like someone once told me and I agree I am, "I am an example of God's grace." Thank you God for this wonderful day, and thank you for this wonderful time on your earth!

May God bless us All!



Man oh man! I had the most wonderful weekend, and today was wonderful too! God has truly blessed me and my family. I mean I have just ben lifted up in spirit, because every once in a while God reminds me of how blessed I am, and then I just start to smile and get my engine crunk real good.

I have noticed that when I work thirds, it seems to affect my sleepiness.

I did at the end of last week act like a total ass to my wife, and I was tired, and did not get a lot of sleep, but no excuse. God blessed me though with a wonderful carrying wife that first corrected me and then second loved me!

I love Amy and my daughter and love being the husband and father they need. I hope they also enjoy being the wife and daughter I need! I hope all is well with everyone and I love you God! Thank you! You know one of the things that my friend Tim talks about at work is getting rid of things that keep me away from God.
One of the hardest things to do for us humans as humans is to not give in to our own wills. We must lay down our wills and give the guidance and moments over to God. In return God gives us, well everything. Now follow me on this. Everything, meaning, that God is everything and the source for all. God watches over us and waits for us to turn to him. Once we do, then he can start truly working through us. By letting God (I know sounds weird, because God IS over all!) by letting God's will overcome ours (freechoice there... God's unfailing love for ya!) then are desires, needs, wants, all kinda come in line.

That's the trick though. Taking your will, setting it down ad in turn clearing the way for God's will to be done through you. This is also one of those things (I have come to find out) that gets better over time. You have to invest your time and moments into learning how to do this. Now trust me when I say this, it is worth it! Devote a little time a day to God, one on one time. Then watch it grow from there. And once you start, you can never get tired of learning about God's word or truth. Also once you start you don't like it when you skip days.

I have found that the inital process of learning about God and how you can better server God's will never stops. The Phases of spirtual growth never end, you just get other phases added on top of them.

It truly is wonderful! Well that is it for now, my rambling juice is about gone so I will stop to re-fuel for next time!

May God Bless us all!
